Find your Center with Perfect Balance World Yoga Apparel
Find your Center with Perfect Balance World Yoga Apparel
The holiday season is finally here, and it is time to start shopping. If you have a fitness fanatic on your list, Merrithew has released their 2015 Holiday Gift Guide, with their top equipment picks for the enthusiast of any discipline. Whether they are a kid, beginner, pro, or instructor Merrithew has a number of products that are sure to brighten your loved one's holiday spirit.
I like to think of myself as a gym rat, but I often dread going to the free weight area. Outside of being the only woman there most times, I have been suffering from a recurring shoulder injury and wrist pains that have been making gripping the weights a little bit more difficult as of late.
Fitness journeys are never easy, and even more difficult when you are recovering from an injury like I have been. While I like to get as much of my bodies nutritional and vitamin needs from healthy eating, to achieve the muscle tone and definition that I want is more attainable through the usage of supplements.