Sari Foods Company Superfood Bundle: Spirulina, Acerola & Nutritional Yeast

Sari Foods Company Superfood Bundle: Spirulina, Acerola & Nutritional Yeast

About 3 months ago, I embarked on a lifestyle change journey and started the Paleo diet. Although it is extremely beneficial and rewarding, it has been a little bit of a challenge finding substitutions and making sure I have the proper nutrients to sustain my daily life and intense workouts. Luckily, Sari Foods Company presented me with the opportunity to test out their Superfood Bundle including Spirulina, Nutritional Yeast, and Acerola Cherry derived Vitamin C.

Old Factory Aroma Therapy Fall Harvest Candles

Old Factory Aroma Therapy Fall Harvest Candles

Winter may be in full swing, but that doesn’t mean it has to feel like it at home. One of the easiest ways to transport yourself out of the dreary winter is to create a  relaxed ambiance is to light some aroma therapy candles. Old Factory Candles is one of my latest discoveries