Perfect Balance World

I used to live in the gym, but since moving to Florida I have gotten a bit lazy. Driving a car instead of walking everywhere doesn’t help either, but I am making a conscious effort to become active again.

Getting reacclimatized to working out means a lot of different thing. It means getting your nutrition in order. It means committing to the habit of committing to an activity at least 3 times a week, for at least an hour. It also means relearning your form, and finding your balance. It can take some time, but luckily for me I was sent some items from Perfect Balance World to make the process a little easier.

Perfect Balance World brings together Physics, Engineering, and Spirituality to help achieve perfection balance in their collection of yoga and fitness apparel. The designs feature a landmark system where balance has been built into the clothing, and helps to to prevent the wearer from falling out of yoga poses.

From my understanding, the landmark system itself doesn’t necessarily create balance itself, but it acts like more of a guide of where to place your hands, arms, legs and feet while in certain yoga poses.

I received 7 items to try out. Here are my favorites.

DNA Leggings ($59)

I received a pair of capris and full length leggings, but the leggings are slightly more flattering for my figure. These leggings feature the patented landmark system, a wide waistband that can be worn folded or unfolded, and a discreet pocket that fits most cell phones. They are a non-slip polyester/spandex blend that has a soft and stretchable feel.  

The best part about these leggings is the rise. I like high rise because they do not cut into any unflattering parts of my hips, and help to conceal my lower abdomen area. While I can’t personally attest to the landmark system aiding in balance since I did not wear them while performing yoga poses, they are extremely comfortable to wear and don’t fall while moving through exercises.

The one drawback for me personally is that once I’ve sweat in a polyester blend, the material will irritate my eczema until I’ve had a chance to wash them. It can make it distracting to finish a workout when your skin ir flaring up half way through.

Curator Shrug ($49)

I received 3 shirts. A long sleeve cotton t-shirt, a long sleeve toga shirt, and the shrug. The shrug was by far my favorite for a few different reasons.

The PBW multi-functional shrug/scarf hybrid design wraps you in comfort, while the thumbholes secure the fit through your movements. There is extra room in the longer material on the back, giving you space to move as well as allowing air to circulate while you work out.

What made this stand out to me is because I don’t like to sweat in shirts because it can sometimes irritate my sensitive skin. I usually work out in sports bras alone, bt since gaining weight my arms are my number 1 problem area. This shrug allows me to be comfortable without extra material on my upper body, but also conceals my arms in the process.

This piece features the landmark system in the back center on your neck, but again I can’t personally attest to the functionality of this design element. The one thing I did notice is that I was getting shocked by nearly every machine, but I do not know if it is because of the landmark or the polyester blend they use.

Logo Elastic Headband ($14)

This non-slip black stretchy logo elastic headband is lined with silicone grippers, that keeps it secure. Since I have extremely fine delicate hair, I had to be very careful when putting it on and taking it off to make sure my hair didn’t break. Although some caution is required, it does what it claims and keeps your hair pulled back without slipping as you sweat.

Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed the innovative designs in the apparel, as well as the fits. I will have to take a yoga class soon to verify the landmark system claims, but as of right now I can only speak to the comfort and wearability of the pieces. The one area I feel could be improved is if the polyester was replaced with a moisture wicking material instead. But if you do not have sensitive skin, I think you will love these items.

If you would like to learn more about the brand, the founder, and to see all the pieces from the collection visit Perfect Balance World Online.