Since I moved to Miami where the weather is drastically different than NY, I had to switch up my makeup regime. Heavy foundations don’t do well on my highly sensitive skin in the Florida heat and humidity, and cause me to sweat them off, break out, and easily get irritation. This caused me to start looking for a light weight moisturizing formula that would provide coverage and simultaneously nourish my skin.
Luckily, my prayers were answered some time ago, when a colleague attended an event and brought lots of goodies back that weren’t right for her skin. The Origins Smarty Plants CC Cream was one of the products that was in the bag so I quickly grabbed it, before I even knew it was what I was looking for. I admit to being a newbie to the BB and CC creams craze so I of course went to google to educate me on the matter. It turns out that CC Creams are specially formulated to moisturize, hydrate, and help correct your complexion. The Origins formula intuitively color corrects and visibly perfects so your skin has a radiant and flawless finish. The antioxidant infused formula helps neutralize skin damaging effects of city smog and pollution, which is perfect for being in a city with so much car traffic.
I have been using it for a few days now, and I am very impressed. It is a light coverage product, however it provides enough coverage for me that I do not need to apply a foundation. As you can see in my picture, it has a dewy appearance and evened out my skin tone, while still allowing my freckles to show through. I purposely didn’t apply to my forehead or above my eyebrows, which I just tweezed, so you could see the difference in my skin.
I admittedly have a god awful habit of not always washing my makeup off if it’s not a gym day (terrible I know, and I am working on it). Even with a few slip ups, I noticed waking up that I didn’t have any new blemishes, but instead my skin was soft and my complexion is in fact evening out. I’ve even noticed a difference under my eyes, which was unexpected.
I will say that there are a few drawbacks. First, is the very noticeable SPF smell. It reminds me of the sunscreens that my mother used on me as a child, and is slightly overwhelming. I did however notice that after about 10 to 15 minutes, the smell recedes as it sets. It does go on the skin slightly streaky, and I have yet to find a tool to give me completely even coverage. Additionally, there are only two color options, leaving out the women with darker skin.
Irecommend this product for those of you who like plant derived cosmetics, have sensitive skin, and are looking for warm weather foundation alternatives. It is available for $36, and can be purchases at Origins stores nationwide, or at