Susosu Water
Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, I’ve been spending a lot more time working out outdoors. I’m sure that you can imagine it not being the easiest task in the year round Florida heat and humidity. I frequently end up getting winded and losing my energy much quicker than when I am in the gym.
For me the easiest pickup are sports drinks, but I’ve been looking for natural alternatives to the often very sugary energy drinks on the market, that cause me to be jittery. Plus constant intake really isn’t good for our sensitive systems not meant to process those chemicals. So when the owner of Susosu water reached out to see if I was interested in trying out their brand, I was immediately intrigued by their brand concept.
Susosu water is made from the fresh waters of Uiseong, South Korea, sand filled with all-natural mineral elements including Potassium, Selenium, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium and Silicon. They come in 100% recyclable, thick layers of aluminum to keep hydrogen sealed inside, so you always get the freshest tasting water in every single punch.
Benefits of drinking Susosu water include:
Natural energy booster by decreasing their lactic acid build-up during physical activity;
Powerful antioxidant that penetrates skin cells to improve skin hydration, collagen, and reducing sun spots by decreasing oxidative damage;
Powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
Who knew you could get all of that from water? I know I didn’t!
Susosu water cases are available in a 10- pack of 300 ML pouches for $20.79, a 20-pack for $38.39, or a 30-pack for $55.20. You can also subscribe and have an automatic delivery shipped out every 1,2, 3 or 4 weeks for 15% off any of the packs you choose.
To learn more about the company and the benefits of hydrogen water, or to pick up a case to test out, visit the Susosu Online Store Today!