CBD Living Water Bath Bombs
Photograph by Christopher Michael Diaz
Lately, I’ve received A LOT of emails about CBD, and all the various products that infuse the hemp derived chemical. I must say, I like many people was not quite educated on CBD, and nearly passed up opportunities purely based on my own ignorance to what it is.
I decided to give it a go, so when CBD Living water offered to send me a freeze and bath bombs, I gladly accepted.
What is CBD?
I like many others often confused THC with CBD, and that was my first mistake.
The most important difference is that THC is derived from canabis while CBD is derived from Hemp. Because of this, THC creates signals that are sent to the brain, which results in the the psychoactive effects of “getting high.”
The presence of CBD can actually negate the psychoactive effects of using THC and effectively neutralize it in your system,
CBD can deliver many of the same pain relieving benefits of THC without inducing its psychoactive effects. This is the primary reason why it is legal, and there has been an influx of products with the chemical.
Why is CBD Living Water Different?
CBD Living Water has developed products using a nanotechnology manufacturing process that reduces CBD molecules into nano-sized droplets, without the addition of emulsifiers. It allows for a more efficient absorption into the blood stream, and from my experience allows it to kick in faster.
I was sent Bath Bombs in Lavender and Amber Bergamont, both retailing for $14. Each contain 60 mg of nano-CBD and are great to relax after a long stressful day. I used them after hurting my back, and as soon as they dissolved, I felt them elevate the tension in my muscles and I was able to stand up straight which I was unable to do before.
They were also kind enough to send me the Freeze Roll-on as well. This retails for $30 and has been a lifesaver to me for multiple reasons. I have recently decided to eliminate ibuprofen and acetaminophen due to the damage they both can do to your liver. This isn’t really a problem, until I have severe menstrual cramps during my period. I’ve also had severe digestive issues as of late, which result in inflammation and sleep interrupting pain in my mid section.
Something told me to use the freeze on my stomach, back, and legs which are the 3 areas I feel the most pain during my period and when I have the digestion flare ups. Within 10 minutes, I feel the pain start to reduce and depending on how much I've used, it has also aided in me falling asleep. It has saved many nights since I received it 2 months ago.
Final Thoughts
I still have more research to do, but CBD Living Water products are definitely on my list of highly recommended products. They offer a wide variety of items including water, gummies, chocolates, sleep aids, patches and many more that I am eager to try out ASAP!
If you have pain, and are looking for alternatives to pills, I strongly recommend visiting their website and making a purchase as soon as you can.
Photograph by Christopher Michael Diaz