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Oxygenetix Complexion Products

As I’ve gotten older, lipsticks and eyeshadows have lost their importance and complexion products have taken center stage in my beauty regime. I think I’ve purchased 8 in the last 6 months, and I’m still searching for a holy grail.

When I was contacted by Oxygenetix to try their Acne Control Oxygenating Foundation ($76), I took them up on the offer. This foundation contains the ceravitae pro-oxygen complex which claims to be a breathable formula for healthier skin that provides complete coverage, as well as anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and pore clearing properties. It is also water resistant, hypo allergenic, non comedogenic and transfer resistant. Pretty much, perfect on paper.

I also received the Oxygenating Hydro-Matrix ($70) to use as a moisturizer/primer that has the same breathable second skin formula as the foundation. This product claims to attract oxygen while delivering PCA, HLA and Multi-Tocopherols which ensure your skin is plump, hydrated and protected at all times.

First Impression

When I received the products, I did a first impressions on my IGTV Channel and it definitely did not go as expected. Considering the price, I thought it would be amazing and that was not the impression I got. Here’s what went wrong:

First, I expected that I would not like the finish because I knew in advance that I could not use one of my regular primers. Reason being is that it is a breathable formula, and a typical primer would clog your pores and prevent the acne control properties from penetrating your skin. So when I applied, I did notice that my very enlarged pores were clearly visible.

Second, it instructs you to use clean hands or a sponge. This immediately told me that this is a light or medium coverage foundation and I am more of a medium to full girl because of my pores. I also don’t use sponges often so I used a brush instead which I think moved the product around too much and never really set it into my skin the way warm hands or a damp sponge would.

Lastly, I am a creature of habit so I did not change my skincare routine that I would normally do under a full coverage matte foundation. Under the Hydro-Matrix I used my hyaluronic acid, beauty oil, and acne medication which is normal, but under this dewy/natural finish foundation it just kept my skin greasy, didn’t mix well with my concealer or setting powder and negated the transfer resistant claims.

Second Attempt

I was ready to write this product off as not worth it, until I had a PMS break out and was booked to work on a photo shoot that I really couldn’t afford to look bad at. So I asked myself, how can I make this better to benefit from all of the claims? Here’s what I did differently:

Since these two products have skincare elements in them, I cut out my normal products. I have combination skin that changes from week to week, so instead of using my hydration products that I typically pair with matte foundations, I used a matte moisturizer to absorb my natural oils underneath the Hydro-Matrix.

Next, I followed the instructions and actually used a sponge to apply. While it did give me a better application that I was able to build up to medium coverage, I had to use 5 or 6 pumps. That may not seem like a big deal, but for $76 and 15ml instead of most foundation’s normal 30ml, I can see myself going through this relatively fast.

It paired much better the second time with my other complexion products, and lived up to the transfer resistance claims. My pores were still visible, but not as bad as the first time. I will probably use a retinol serum the next time I wear this foundation, to reduce the appearance of my pores even more.

I wore it for about 12 hours and when I removed it, I noticed that some acne bumps that I had on my chin and cheeks were drying up. I also gave myself a mini facial and noticed that it was extremely easy to perform pore extractions. It was almost as if the dead skin and oils were being dissolved and came out without much pressure.

Final Thoughts

All in all, I am not terribly disappointed with this product and will definitely give it one or two more shots. Once I figure out the best application process, I can see this being the foundation I use during my period when I have hormonal break outs.

Other than that I am on the fence, primarily because of my skin type. If I used a pore refining primer I may like it more, but that would counteract the skincare properties making it unnecessary to use. For a combined $146 for 2 items, I’d expect to be obsessed with these products. If I can’t hide my pores, then it is not worth it for me specifically.

I’d also like to see this product in the standard 30ml(1 oz) size at the price they’re providing. For someone like myself with blemishes, and hyper-pigmentation in spots I normally go for full coverage so I can use less product. I had to use more pumps than I normally would, and can see myself being frustrated if I run out quickly.

I don’t hate it and wish I had better skin so I could fully benefit from the properties of these products. I will continue to use the Hydro-Matrix but I can see women who have model-esque skin with small pores, and little to no blemishes being the primary users of the foundation.

If you are after a sheer, lightweight formula, with light to medium coverage, and can get away with only using 1-2 pumps to even out your skin tone, check out their full product range on Oxygenetix online.